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March 14, 2019


Small but mighty, kettlebells are a standard in most home gyms.

If you’re in the midst of building your in-home gym, or even if you already own some, you probably know that kettlebells should be on your list of home gym equipment. You might not know exactly why they should be in your home gym or what you should be doing with them.

As home gym equipment manufacturers and suppliers of cast iron and steel kettlebells, we are familiar with how to get the best and most use out of your kettlebells.

#1. Multi-Functional

First of all, kettlebells are multi-functional. Which means no matter what kind of exercise you’re doing or what you’re fitness goals are, kettlebells will aid your workout needs.

Whether you’re just starting out, focused on losing weight, or dedicated to gaining muscle, you can use kettlebells in your workout routine and they will help you achieve that goal.

Kettlebells are a unique piece of equipment that are multi-functional and can be used anywhere as a full body workout by engaging all body parts. Competition Kettlebells have a contoured handle that can easily chalked up for extra grip during your workout. They can be used in any kind of free-standing, body weight exercise or modified sitting workouts. Probably one of the easiest pieces of equipment to hold, these weights are great for fast workouts and compact enough to for workouts on the go. So when it comes to kettlebells, for variety in your workouts on the go toss it in your trunk and head to your favorite park with your family and enjoy the outdoors and get a workout at the same time. 

#2. Intensifying the workouts you already do

Made and sold in a variety of weighted increments, kettlebells are great additions to any of your free-standing exercises. With the incremental weight it’s not too much weight to overwhelm your muscles but also not too little to not make a difference, including a kettlebell in your sets will increase the burn, the calories lost, and the muscle gain.

Love your routine but feel like it’s not packing enough punch? Add a kettlebell, we know you won’t be saying that after your next sweat session.

#3. Specific Kettlebell Exercises

There are certain exercises that are perfect for kettlebells and even some that can only be performed with a kettlebell. 

  • Deadlift - While you can perform this exercise with barbells, it’s extremely easy to do with a kettlebell. With your hands holding the weight close together, you really have to bend down low to lift it up and down, giving your muscles a concentrated workout
  • Kettlebell Swing - This exercise was created with a kettlebell and cannot be performed without one. Known for being a full body workout, including your glutes, hips, abs, and shoulders, a kettlebell swing is an amazing full body exercise.
  • Squats - We all know that no matter how you do them, squats are an amazing glute and thigh workout. Holding a kettlebell in front of your chest while squatting is the ultimate way to maximize that exercise and feel the burn.
  • Kettlebell Ab Workout - This workout can be like any of your other favorite ab workouts but with a kettlebell in your hands. It will increase the work your abs get tenfold.

#4. Needs Little Space

Like we said in the beginning, kettlebells are small but mighty. No bigger than a basketball, you can fit a kettlebell anywhere you need to. Sometimes you don’t have the ability to have a large home gym and you have to keep it small. A kettlebell is a great piece of equipment to have because it takes up so little space. Stick it in a corner, set it on your rack, or store it in your closet, a kettlebell is probably one of the easiest pieces of home gym workout equipment to store.

Now that you know the many great reasons to have a kettlebell in your home gym, it’s time to get one if you don’t already have one or add more to your collection.

At Simpson’s Fitness Supply, we sell high-quality cast iron and steel kettlebells. If you’re searching for a kettlebell that’ll last years through your tough and hard-hitting workouts check ours out HERE. 


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