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December 13, 2018


Mindset over matter is a common statement used when people are trying to get through or get over something. However, its common use is not as easy as it sounds. Remember how last year you promised yourself that this year is going to be the year that you’re going to hit the gym and work out? Fast forward to today, you’re still sitting on the same couch where you wrote that promise! Why? Because mindset has a lot to do with everything you do in life. Just saying you want to do something doesn’t mean you are going to be able to overcome all the roadblocks you have in your mind to accomplish it.


Not everyone has the same attitude when it comes to working out. For some, physical activity just comes naturally – it’s a thing they absolutely love to do, and they can’t live without it, while for others, working out is like torture – they really must motivate themselves to go.


Thinking that exercise is too hard, too time-consuming, or too exhausting? Then it’s time to change your mindset. No more excuses not to workout! A shift in mindset could make all the difference in finding yourself developing a great workout routine that helps you accomplish the fitness goals you want to achieve.


2 Ways to Shift Your Mindset:


  1.     Create a ‘CAN DO’ attitude

The power of positive thinking when it comes to fitness might be just the extra boost you need amid your feelings of sluggishness. To harness your ‘can do’ attitude and succeed in your fitness goals try these three things to get off the couch:


  • Commit mentally- When you decided on your fitness goals making a mental commitment is imperative. Write it down, hang it up, write it into your calendar and make it a part of your routine. Mindset with action is a powerful way to make positive changes in your life. Though there will be days that work, family, or obligations get in the way. There will also be times when you just don’t feel like working out and the mentality of, "I’d rather" comes into play. It is during those times that it is crucial to show up and workout anyway, because you’ve made the commitment to yourself.  This practice will help you get into the routine of training and help you solidify the ‘can do’ attitude.


  • Create a mantra- find a quote or phrase that will keep you inspired to workout. Below are just a few that you can use:


“If you can, you must. If you must, you can.”
“Yesterday, you said tomorrow.”
“Nothing hurts more than sitting on a couch.”
“Strive for progress, not perfection.”
“I want to work out, this is something that will make me feel good”


  • Cultivate self-discipline- Perspective is everything. A ‘CAN DO’ attitude will help you squash the difference between actually working out and thinking of working out. Think that you can do it, put your commitment into action by doing it, and after you’ve repeated this, you’re creating a new habit. Once you’re doing it consistently, a habit will form and the physical activity of working out will become easier.


  1.     Visualize Your Success

A great motivator to help you get off the couch and change your mindset is visualizing your success. Visualization is a meditative technique that has been used by different athletes, celebrities, and other successful people who want to improve their performance or achieve personal and career goals. Picture your goal and what it feels like when you’re in that moment of success. Visualizing a vivid picture of your fit and healthy self is the perfect way to communicate with your brain to help your brain shift the “I don’t want to” to “I’m going to”. Once the images take hold in your mind, it becomes primed for suggestions that will keep you off the couch and have you looking forward to your next workout. Seeing yourself having a great workout in the gym can be a tool you use to help motivate you to get to the gym. See yourself smiling in the gym, having a great workout, and feeling good from the workout. The mental picture of seeing yourself do the action will help to motivate you to train.


We’re excited for you! We believe you can make the changes in your life that will have a huge impact on your health. If time is an issue, then try creating an atmosphere for working out at home. In-home gym equipment will save you time and allow you the freedom to workout on your schedule and at the pace you need.


For more information on setting up an in-home gym, check out our blog on how to do it here.

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