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December 12, 2018


Long hours working, constantly being plugged into technology and increased stress has led to an urgent need for wellness in the workplace. The sedentary lifestyle of mostly work and little play or exercise has taken its toll on the physical and mental wellbeing of most employees, and thus affecting their productivity.  

As an employer, if you want to increase productivity and longevity of your employees you may want to establish a program that will motivate them to hit the gym and look after their well-being. However, getting your employees to commit is an entirely different thing. Providing incentives for your employees to lead a healthy lifestyle will help increase employee participation. Many companies are offering programs that pay for wellness programs or bringing a gym to the office to make it easier for employees to get a workout in between their busy schedules. If you want to motivate your employees to be healthier, here are a few tips below.

3 Steps to Motivating Your Employees to Workout:

  1. Make it Fun

Humans are competitive by nature. But, in this case, having a healthy competition in the workplace will go a long way toward increasing employee participation and productivity. So, get creative and add fun to your program by providing incentives during the process or offering a point system with rewards attached to it.

The show the “Biggest Loser” was a popular show to help people lose weight. You could do an office version where employees can have their initial weigh-in and record their weights, and at the end of the defined timeline they re-weigh and rewards are given to those employees who have reached their fitness goals or those who may have lost the largest amount. Of course, you also want to respect the privacy of your employees so perhaps you add things like BMI, healthiest eater, employee who hit the gym the most amount of times and other fun categories so that no one feels like they are being singled out. This is a fun way to motivate the office to workout and may encourage them to hit the gym even after the contest ends. Once a workout becomes a routine it is easier to do it more often.

  1. Incentives and Rewards

With strict deadlines to beat, sales targets to reach, and countless meetings to attend, adding gym time to the mix might be the last thing your employees are thinking about; however, you as the employer could reap large benefits. Providing rewards and incentives to your employees are great ways to encourage a healthier lifestyle which can ultimately reduce overall stress, healthcare costs for the company, and health related issues.

Offering an employee allowance for home gym equipment, or setting up a workout area in the office for group classes are great ways to make it easier for employees to workout.  Another way is to offer incentives to your employees’ for good behavior or those who have reached specific fitness goals, is by providing them rewards such as, purchase gym equipment that they can use at home or in the office, (resistance bands, medicine balls, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc.), or even purchase a complete home gym package for an employee who has stayed consistent throughout the year.

  1. In-Office Gym

Many companies opt to bring the gym to their employees with an in-office gym.  This is a great way to make it convenient for employees to work out in between calls and meetings, as well as showing your team how important their fitness and wellbeing is to the company. Your company can easily utilize a space in the office that isn’t being used and convert it into an in-office gym.  It does not have to be elaborate or expensive. Finding the right fitness equipment is key. Purchasing gym equipment that maximizes space and offers a total body workout is key.  Simpsons Fitness Supply, a Colorado-based fitness equipment supplier has the expertise and knowledge to provide gym equipment that best suits the space you have to work with for an office gym. Simpsons Fitness Supply works with their clients to help them choose the right gym equipment depending on the company’s needs, budget, and space.

So what equipment is the best for your in-office gym? Choose equipment that allows your employees to get a full workout such as:

  • Kettlebells and Dumbbells for an overall full body workout
  • Power rack, adjustable bench, barbell and bumper plates for strength training
  • Medicine balls or slam balls for cardio type workouts
  • TRX suspension and resistance bands for stretching and mobility


However, if your company is very limited on space, Simpsons Fitness Supply offers a wide range of prebuilt fitness equipment packages that are ready for use to fit any type of space and offer a complete body workout:

-      PRx Pro His & Her Packages

-      PRx Profile Garage Gym Package

-      Ultimate Home Package

-      Home Starter Package

-      Athlete Package

-      Conditioning Package

-      Back to Basics Package

-      Strength and Conditioning Package

-      Strength and Mobility Package

-      Mobility Package

-      Mini- Conditioning Package


Motivating your employees by making your wellness program fun, rewarding, and easily accessible, are great ways of showing your employees how much you value them and their well-being. Healthier lifestyles and reduced stress will greatly improve their productivity and employee retention. Added bonus, having a fitness program is also a great recruitment tool for new prospective employees who already value health and fitness.  


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